Mission – vision (index)

Mission: Establishing compulsory oil reserves at least up to the minimum quantities prescribed by law, their storage, renewal and their management, i.e. the compulsory reserves shall be formed gradually, in order to ensure that the total compulsory reserves held at all times in the Republic of North Macedonia correspond to at least 90 days of average daily net imports or 61 days of average daily inland consumption in the previous calendar year, depending on whichever of the two specified quantities is greater.

Vision: Considering the importance of strengthening the security of supply of crude oil and oil derivatives, in order to avoid any interference in the operation of the internal market and in order to maintain a high level of security of supply of oil derivatives in the country, compulsory oil reserves should provide stability and security on the market, through reliable and transparent mechanisms which are in accordance with the principles of the internal market and competition and in accordance with EU Directives on oil reserves.